Convenor Code

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Convenor Code

Event Convenors Code



The role of Event Convenor has become more complex over time, especially for regional/series (Group E) events and for Championship events hosted for KartSport New Zealand. Events hosted for KartSport New Zealand are also subject to specific Event Hosting Contracts.


Competitor and sponsor expectations have become more demanding and health and safety issues, including those for spectators, more complex. Media activity, especially livestreaming, has also added new technical requirements which require special preplanning.


An Event Convenor is effectively the General Manager of the event. Key to the role is assembling and managing a team of competent people to undertake the various aspects required to run a successful event. The Event Convenor needs to have the confidence of the host Club’s Committee so as to be able to make key decisions quickly and without the need to constantly have to refer issues back to the Committee.


Do not try to do everything yourself, especially for big events! Regular meetings, during the build-up prior to the event, with your team leaders and the monitoring of key tasks/check lists/deadlines will help ensure your event is successful. For events hosted for KartSport New Zealand regular liaison with the General Manager and the Competitions Manager is essential.


If you need help or advice do not hesitate to ask either KartSport New Zealand, Clubs who have previously hosted the event or previous event Convenors at your Club. There is a wealth of knowledge within the sport including tried and proven check lists, event budgets, event survey results, etc. You do not have to reinvent the wheel!


Once KartSport New Zealand Race Officials are on site and have begun documentation the Chief Steward is effectively in charge of the event until the end of prizegiving. As Convenor you need to remain in close (radio) contact with the Chief Steward and the Race Director/Clerk of the Course for the duration of the event.


Post event reviews are important to pick up on what went well and what needs improving. Documenting this will be helpful for the next similar event your Club runs. Post event reviews are compulsory for events hosted for KartSport New Zealand. Normally KartSport New Zealand will also conduct a post event survey with competitors and crew which will also provide you with valuable feedback.


Below is the KartSport New Zealand Event Covenors Code with full information from Club Days to Championship Hosted Events.



pdfEvent Convenors Code - Issue 1 - September 2021