Race Control

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Race Control

Race Control

The Race Control team at any event are responsible for the competitor management, scoring and results of the event.


This essentially involves five key aspects :-


Establishing classes and grids

Race day timing

Lap scoring



The KartSport New Zealand National Race Control Advisor is Karen Tyrrell.


Karen is available for assistance and advice and can be contacted as follows :-


Karen Tyrrell
Box 235, Tokoroa 3444
Phone: 07 886 9305
Mob: 027 458 7628



If you would like Karen to come to your Club Day and help, please get in touch.




       Throughout these modules :-


Text from the KartSport Manual (Rules etc) is in 10 point Arial font


Additional text for information and commentary is in 12 point Calibri font.



Within the following areas of this Help and Training Module you will find all the essential elements needed for the Race Control function and administration of an event.







The basic requirements for Race Control are contained within Sections J and R of the KartSport Manual. However you also need to be familiar with other aspects of the Manual especially Section P which deals with event formats.


The key areas of the KartSport Manual are identified below.


J1 – Competition Rules

You should have a general understanding of this section of the Manual.


J2 – Start and Finish Procedure

You should have a good general understanding of this section of the Manual especially the items below :-


J2.4 NO GO LINE: A line 50m to 80m from the front of the out grid marked either by a painted line and/or by cones approximately 2 meters from the track edgeDiscontinued race



J2.10.1 SPRINT: Once karts leave the Out Grid they should proceed, in single file and in allocated grid order, at up to race speed for approximately 1.5 laps until reaching the Blue Slow Down Line (or cones on temporary circuits) for the second time. The field must keep up respectively with the Pole Kart during the 1.5 warm up laps. No sudden or heavy braking is permitted. (The position of the Blue Line across the track is approximately 200 metres before the Red Line, and is subject to the prior approval of the National Tr ack and Safety Inspector.)

Should a competitor stop, leave the track or spin on the warm up laps, they may not attempt to restart or re -join until the field has passed. They may then re-join at the back of the field and remain at the back. Should the Starter, the Clerk of the Course or the Race Director consider that the competitor has been disadvantaged through no fault of their own they may signal the competitor to return to their allocated grid position.

From the second crossing of the Blue Slow Down Line the Pole Kart must slow to formation speed as per J2.11. Weaving is no longer permitted and the field forms into close formation prior to reaching the Red Formation Line. It is the responsibility of the Pole Kart to ensure the field is formed, or had full opportunity to form, into the correct close formation by the Red Formation Line, as judged by the Starter, Clerk of the Course or Race Director.

A competitor out of position on the warm up laps, and entitled to regain position, should raise a hand and proceed to safely regain their allocated grid position. This must be partially or fully completed before the Red Formation Line is reached for the second time. Once the Red Formation Line has been reached for the second time all karts must hold their respective position regardless.

Karts may not receive assistance once a warm up lap has commenced except as allowed under Rule J1.6 or where a designated pit lane for SuperKarts or a repair lane for Sprint karts is in operation. Any gaps in a grid shall remain as gaps until the start is given. If the Pole Kart drops out the next gridded kart assumes the responsibilities of the Pole Kart, etc.

(NOTE: For Group F Club Days only, the pre start warm up laps procedure may be shortened. If so, competitors will be advised at Drivers Briefing.)


J2.10.2 SUPERKART: Allocated grid positions must be maintained. Should a competitor slow, stop or spin or otherwise leave their allocated grid position during a rolling lap they may not attempt to restart or re-join until the field has passed. They may then re-join at the back of the field and remain at the back. Should the Starter, the Clerk of the Course or the Race Director consider that the competitor has been disadvantaged through no fault of their own they may signal the competitor to return to their allocated grid position.

Competitors out of position on the rolling lap and entitled to regain it should raise a hand. Karts may not receive assistance once a rolling lap has commenced except as allowed under Rule J1.6 or where a designated pit lane is in operation. Any gaps in a grid shall remain as gaps until the start is given. If pole position drops out the next gridded kart assumes responsibilities of pole position.


J2.11.1 SPRINT: All karts must maintain their position in close formation from the Red Formation Line (or cones on temporary circuits) until the Start Signal is given. (The position of the Red Line across the track is approximately 100 metres before the Yellow Line, and is subject to the prior approval of the National Track and Safety Inspector.)

It is the responsibility of the Pole Kart to deliver the field from the Red Formation Line to the entrance to the Start Zone (indicated by a Yellow Line) at a constant slow speed as assessed solely by the judgment of the Starter or Race Director.

Gearbox karts must have a gear fully engaged and driving the rear axle from the Red Formation Line until the Start Signal is given.

The Pole Kart may accelerate at any time after entering the Start Zone. The rest of the field may accelerate after the Pole Kart has accelerated within the Start Zone, but NO kart may move out of formation until the Start Signal is given.

The Pole Kart must not be passed before the Start Signal is given. If the Start Signal is not given before the Pole Kart crosses the Start Line a rolling lap, with karts in close formation, occurs.

The Start Signal is indicated by the Start Lights being extinguished or by the drop of a Green Flag.

A kart is deemed to have started if it crosses the Start Line under its own motive power after the Start Signal has been given and before the leading kart has completed the first racing lap.

Circuits without Lanes: Competitors must place their rear wheel adjacent to, but not on or over, the respective parallel white line in the middle of the track until the Start Signal is given (except in the case of a single row restart – Rule J2.19).

Circuits with Lanes: Karts must remain wholly within the respective marked lane until the Start Signal is given (except in the case of a single row restart – Rule J2.19)

J2.11.2 SUPERKART: Pole position in either group must not be passed before the start signal. Pole position in the second group of karts will be responsible for maintaining a gap of approximately 600 to 700 metres between their group and the first group of karts. All karts in both groups must maintain their position in close formation from within approximately 300 metres of the start line.

There will be NO acceleration line.

All karts in both groups must maintain two straight lines and remain in the grid marked lanes at the required steady speed until the Red Light Start signal is extinguished.

The Red Light Start signal will be reset for the second group of karts.

IF a start is not given before the pole position kart in the first group crosses the start line another rolling lap will occur. A kart is deemed to have started if it crosses the Start Line under its own motive power after a Start Signal has been given and before the leading kart has completed the first racing lap.

Rules J2.12 and J2.13 shall apply to all race starts.


J2.13 DISCONTINUED RACE: A race discontinuation occurs when a Green with Yellow Chevron Flag is displayed. All drivers must immediately cease racing and reform the original rolling grid.


J2.14 RACE or TIME TRIAL STOPPAGE: A race or time trial stoppage occurs when a Red Flag is shown. All drivers must immediately cease racing. Once stopped, any kart deemed unfit to continue by the Clerk of Course/Race Director must return to the pits. A Penalty Notification Request relating to an incident resulting in a Red Flag may be resolved before any restart. Following a race stoppage a race may be either rerun, declared complete, or restarted. For a time trial it must be restarted and completed to the required time allocation.


J2.15 TIME TRIAL RESTART: the field will grid up in a single row in order of the last completed lap prior 0to the Red Flag and will face the Starter, the Clerk of the Course or the Race Director to take the start for the remainder of the time trial. Karts not recorded on the last completed lap may not restart. A kart failing to take the restart but deemed to have posted a time during the previous part of the time trial will be recorded in the results. Starter motors and push bars (see Rule G4.8) are the only tools permitted onto the track environs unless otherwise specified.


J2.16 REGRID: A Regrid occurs after the Green with Yellow Chevron Flag is shown. Karts will reform the original rolling grid and face the starter. Only karts which were recorded as being starters may join the grid. This procedure will only be used prior to the leader completing the second racing lap.


J2.17 RERUN: A rerun will be ordered if a race stoppage occurs prior to the leader completing the second racing lap. The race will be re run in the original grid positions after the karts have returned to the Out Grid via the In Grid. All entered competitors (except those subject to the stand down period in Rule H1.2) are permitted to start in the rerun. The scheduling of when the rerun takes place will be determined by the Clerk of the Course/Race Director.


J2.18 DECLARED COMPLETE: If the lead kart has completed at least 75% of the race distance at the completion of the lap prior to the Red Flag the race may be declared complete by the Clerk of Course/Race Director.


J2.19 RESTART: Where a stopped race is neither rerun nor declared complete the field will grid up in a single row in order of the last completed lap prior to the Red Flag and will face the Starter, the Clerk of the Course or the Race Director in close formation and straddle the centre two lines or be in the middle lane to take the start for the remainder of the race (Rule J2.10 and J2.11). Karts not recorded on the last completed lap may not restart. A kart failing to take the restart but deemed to have started the previous start will be recorded in the results. Starter motors are the only tools permitted onto the track environs unless otherwise specified.


J2.20 FINISH LINE: The finish line is a line across the track identifying the point where laps and finishing positions will be recorded by the My-Laps system.


J2.21 FINISH: Should the end of the race signal inadvertently or otherwise be displayed before the leading kart completes the scheduled number of laps, or before the prescribed race time has been completed, the race will nevertheless be deemed to end at the moment the signal is given. Should the end of the race signal be inadvertently delayed, the race will nevertheless be deemed to finish at the correct moment and the Provisional Result will be established accordingly. This Rule takes precedence over race distance/length Rules. Upon the lead kart crossing the Finish Line for the final time all karts and competitors, including those not mobile must exit the track via the in grid / scales.


J2.22 FINISHER: Is any competitor who is deemed to have started the race (Rule J2.11). The Provisional Result will be based on the order competitors cross the Finish Line and receive the Chequered Flag. Karts must cross the Finish Line and receive the Chequered Flag under their own designed motive power or coast over the Finish Line without manual assistance. Karts which receive the Chequered Flag will be classified ahead of karts which do not receive the Chequered Flag regardless of the number of laps completed by the stationary karts. The Provisional Result will be determined by Rule J3.1. Competitors stopping or withdrawing, will be credited the number of laps completed in the order of crossing the Finish Line. Karts not completing the first lap will be classified (behind those that did) in the order they crossed the Start Line.


J2.23 ENDURO FINISH: When the time is up the Chequered Flag will be given to the leading kart next time it passes the finish line. All finishers on the same lap will be provisionally placed according to their order crossing the finish line. Finishers completing less laps will be provisionally placed according to the number of laps completed. Should, for any reason, the Chequered Flag be delayed, the race will be deemed to be finished when the prescribed time has elapsed. Provisional Result: The kart provisionally classified in first position is the one which has covered the greatest distance when the Chequered Flag is displayed. The position of the karts on the starting grid is not taken into account. Karts will be provisionally ordered according to the number of complete laps covered during the duration of the race. For the competitors who have covered the same number of laps, the time when the karts cross the finish line will determine the Provisional Result.


J2.24        Mixed Classes Starting Line Up - Sprint Racing

For events using pre-determined grid draws, mixed classes will be gridded with the faster class(es) to the front. eg Light in front of Heavy, Vortex ROK DVS Junior ahead of 125 Rotax Max Junior etc. Option for Group F Club Days only: Rotax Light/Rotax Heavy, 100cc Yamaha Light/100cc Yamaha Heavy and ClubSport LO206 Light/ClubSport LO206 Heavy classes may be mixed for predermined grid draw competition at the discretion of the Chief Steward. For this option all competitors with an X plate start at rear of their respective class.

For events using CIK style qualifying, mixed classes will be gridded fastest to the front for heats based on Time Trial times for all mixed classes combined. For Pre-Final and Final normal grids apply (ie as per Rule P1.6 and P1.7)

On Club Days competitors with an X plate will be gridded at the rear of their respective class group (NOTE: Club Day option above).

For permitted events the mixing of classes must be notified in the Supplementary Rules for the event.

Option 1

The first class of the combined field will address the start as per Rules J2.10.1 & J2.11. The second class will follow the first class with approximately 1/4 to 1/3 of a lap gap. This class will then address the start as per rules J2.10.1 & J2.11. Both classes will be given individual starts as per Rule J2.11

Option 2

The combined field will address the start as per Rules J2.10.1 & J2.11 in tight formation without gaps and all karts will start racing once the start signal is given.

For pre-determined grid draws should the class in front have an odd number of competitors the pole kart of the second class will start behind the last odd numbered grid position kart of the front class. The driver gridded #2 in the second class must leave a gap and start beside the pole kart of the second class.

(Similar for subsequent races should there be more than two classes in the race option 2 may apply)



J3 – Determining a Result

Full understanding of this section is essential.



J3.1.1        At every event a Finish Line Judge must be nominated. In a competition where a decision has to be given as to the order in which competitors cross the finish line, the Finish Line Judge shall give such a decision.
J3.1.2        Protests. No protests against the decision of the Finish Line Judge shall be admitted concerning a question which they have been officially appointed to decide. The decision of the Finish Line Judge is final.

 J3.1.3        Mistakes. If the Finish Line Judge considers they have made a mistake they may correct it, subject to this correction being accepted by the Chief Steward of the event.

J3.1.4        Finishing positions will be determined by the electronic system based on transponder passings, however the traditional (manual) system must also be maintained and will be used in the case of electronic recording equipment (loop, cables, decoder and/or computer) failure and at circuits without a recording loop.



 Using Predetermined Grids (Rule P2 and P5)

 For New Zealand Dirt and Schools Championships.

J2.2.1        From the entries, Race Control determines the number of starters and selects a grid sheet to suit this number.
J3.2.2        Sprint titles can be determined on a predetermined grid over 4 heats and a fifth heat with the leaders off the front. (The idea of the predetermined system is that competitors have equal starts, and if every competitor started and finished in their grid position everyone would be near equal in points.)

 J3.2.3        The draw is out of a hat.

J3.2.4        After each race the lap sheets are handed to the recorders who enter the results on a points chart. After 4 heats have been contested, the points are added to determine the grid for the final heat. The lowest point scorer is awarded the pole position etc. Following this race, the points are added up again, the competitor’s worst performance is subtracted from the total and the competitor with the lowest points is the provisional winner. (Worst performance is highest points not including an exclusion.)
For New Zealand, South and North Island Championships.
Use Time Trials, Heats, Pre Final & Final (Rule P2)





J3.4.1         Following the completion of the Time Trial(s), Race Control will determine the grid for heat 1, based on the results of the Time Trial(s).

J3.4.2        SuperKart racing has the fastest to the front. After the first heat, the grid for the next heat is determined from the result of the previous heat (ie a competitor finishing 12th would get grid 12 for the next heat). After 3 heats the points are added up and the competitor with the lowest points will get grid one etc. Following the 4th heat, the points are added up again, the competitor’s worst performance is subtracted from the total and the competitor with the lowest points is the provisional winner. (Worst performance is highest points not including an exclusion.)

J3.5        GENERAL: When grids have been drawn (ref P3 and P6), the Clerk of the Course/Race Director, Pit Marshal and Starter will be given a copy. From time to time the Chief Steward of the event will be in contact with Race Control with results of protests, exclusions, relegations, etc. These must be taken into account when working out all grids and later when calculating the overall result.

J3.6        RESULTS:KartSport New Zealand score sheets or a similar electronic version is to be used for keeping results. (The paper copy has extracts from the KartSport New Zealand Manual printed down the side.) Immediately following each Time Trial, Heat and Final the Provisional Result sheet is to be posted on the Official Notice Board. The person posting the Provisional Result must, at the time of adding it to the Official Notice Board, note the time of posting and sign and write their name on the Provisional Result sheet using a pen.


J3.7        TIES:

 J3.7.1        National and Island Sprint Racing Championships - Refer P1.

 J3.7.2        National Schools Championships – Refer P2

 J3.7.3        New Zealand Karting Grand Prix – Refer P3.

 J3.7.4        National and Island SuperKart Championships – Refer P4

 J3.7.5        National and Island Dirt Championships – Refer P5


J3.8 EXCLUSION: If a competitor is excluded from a Time Trial or race, all competitors behind the excluded competitor, including those who did not start, move up one place respectively. If a competitor is excluded for a technical infringement resulting in exclusion from the event, the race placings are not adjusted, only the overall result.


Another section of the Manual that you need to be familiar with is Section R, particularly the following …


R3.6 CONFIRMATION OF ENTRIES: An area should be set aside where a driver can confirm entries, make a late entry etc. Once a competitor has been scrutineered that person is deemed an entry and NO refunds can be expected.


R3.8 RESULTS: The person posting the results must, at the time of adding them to the Official Notice Board, note the time of posting and sign and write their name on each result sheet using a pen.

R3.8.1        Provisional Race Result (including Time Trial)

Posted on the Official Notice Board immediately after the race/time trial and subject to 20 minute protest period or outcome of any hearing as a result of a protest.

R3.8.2        Confirmed Race Result

As at the 20 minute point following posting of Provisional Race Result (if no protest) or following posting as a result of a hearing.

R3.8.3        Provisional Event Result

Posted on the Official Notice Board after racing is concluded but before tech inspection (if any) and subject to both tech inspection outcome and 20 minute protest period.

R3.8.4        Confirmed Event Result

Posted on the Official Notice Board after Technical inspection completion and any hearings as a result of a protest and signed off by the Chief Steward. Subject to 20 minute protest period.

R3.8.5        Event Classification

As at the 20 minute point following posting of Confirmed Event Result (if no protest) or following posting as a result of a hearing. No official prizegiving or trophy presentation can commence until the Event Classification has been established.

R3.8.6        Confirmed Series Result (or Confirmed Series Result to date if part way through series)

Posted on the Official Notice Board after Event Classification and signed off by the Chief Steward or another KartSport New Zealand Steward present and appointed for this purpose by the KartSport New Zealand Chief Steward of the day. Subject to 20 minute protest period. For all Rounds other than the final Round, these must be provided to the Chief Steward for sign off before the commencement of Drivers Briefing at the following Round and they must be posted immediately following the Drivers Briefing. For the final Round they must be signed off and posted on the final day of competition.

R3.8.7        Series Classification (or Series Classification to date if part way through series)

As at the 20 minute point following posting of Confirmed Series Result (if no protest) or following posting as a result of a hearing. For the final Round, no official prizegiving or trophy presentation can commence until the Series Classification has been established.

R3.8.8        Event and Series Classification may be amended as a result of action taken following any further fuel/tyre testing of samples collected during the event and sent for laboratory analysis.

R3.8.9        For National, Island and CIK trophy events, all race results and a list of names, addresses and contact phone numbers for all perpetual trophy holders are to be sent to the National Secretary within 30 days of the conclusion of the event by the event Race Secretary or their appointee


Section P has the details of the various different major event types, formats and points scoring etc and also needs to be understood.



Race Control is easy on a Club Day.  You just need to ensure you have a procedure and follow those procedures. A permitted meeting is then just a step up from the procedures you are already following.


Club Days

These generally follow the 5 heat format where each driver has 4 heats (Pre-determined grids) and 5th heat lowest points to the front. This is the format used for National Schools as described in Section P2 of the KartSport Manual.


You may also use a version of Nationals and Islands Sprint Championships consisting of time trials, heats, pre-final and finals as described in Section P1. Your club may decide not to use time trials but have a Random Grid Draw and a Reverse Grid.


Your Club will have their own plan for how they run Club Days. The results of a Club Day may be a stand-alone meeting, may be used for a Points series, or for Club Championships.


As Race Secretary for your Club, make sure you know how the meeting is being run. The Club Captain/Convenor for the Club Day needs to ensure they contact you before the meeting to:

Make sure you are available

Let you know what the plan is for the day – ask if you are not sure, sometimes they have ideas that you can’t do.

If you require help, let them know. If you need a runner tell them (I often ask for the person on pole in each heat to come and collect and post the results.)


The following sections of this Module will assist you in all aspects of managing the event.