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Race Procedure – Orbits 4 SP5 HF2


Set Up

1.Create a new event

2.Name – KartSport Tokoroa Club Day (this will appear on mylaps)

3.Sport – Karting

4.Begin date/End date

5.Enter Timekeeper & Stewards



1.Create groups and runs – you can copy from previous events – this saves time

2.Group is Cadet, Vortex, etc

3.Runs are Heat 1 , Heat 2, etc

4.When creating Heats fill in details – Heat 1, Short name is how it will appear in Processing (H1)

5.Normally for a Club Day Auto Finish on Laps and number of Laps

6.Show competitor data base and start typing a name – click and drag driver to the group.

7.If they don’t appear, click on new competitor and enter all their details from Entry Card, then click and drag to the group.

8.Check the number in each group is the same as number of Entry Cards.

9.Highlight all entries in each group and drop into the Tuning Run.



1.Select a Run – click on Tuning Run, then Green Flag. Use this time to check Race Numbers and Transponders.

2.At completion of Tuning Run click on Stop. Start next Tuning Run.

3.Return to Registration highlight competitors in each group and drop into each Heat.


Grid Draws

1.Export Groups and Runs (I export to the desk top, give them a name, usually of the event – Club Day)

2.Click on Grid Draw programme if using, type in Event Name, Load Orbits Data, Finish and Grid Draws will appear.

3.Print with Options – you can separate classes, choose how printed, how many classes on a page

4.Print – you will need at least a copy each for Notice Board, Starter, Steward.

5.If you don’t have a Grid Draw programme –


Starting Grid

Highlight Heat 1

Create Starting Grid for Competitors in Heat 1.


Choose how you want Starting Grid created, normally random.

To get the remaining Grid Draws use the KartSport Grid Draw programme.

Contact me if you don’t have this and I will send it to you.

Have copies at least for the Notice Board, Starter and Steward.



Click on Race

Edit details, e.g time

Purple Flag – if they will go past you and not start.

Green Flag after all drivers pass you.

Green flag can be dragged down if the drivers are not given the start

At completion of Race – Stop, Print results, Official Race Report, Post.

If a driver does not take the start, right click, click did not start.

If no transponder either F10 each time he goes past or highlight, Corrections and Penalties and make alterations.



Create a New merge (quick)

Select Group, Name (I call it Points), how sorted (least points), select the Runs (Heats) not the Tuning Runs

Assign Points

Click on Points box

Calculate the Merged result – Yes


You can choose what you want printed  by

-Print Preview

-Right Click

-Change Column Settings

-Choose what columns you want

-These will appear in the order you click on them

At the end of the day you can Modify the Merged Result to drop a heat.


Red Flag

When you are notified of a Red Flag – Red Flag, Red Flag, Red Flag over the radio or you are informed by the Clerk of the Course, click on the Red Flag.

The programme will ask you if you want it to Create a Line up which it will do.

Refer Rules in Section J2

-J2.17 – Rerun

-J2.18 – Declared Complete

-J2.19 – Restart (this is when you need the lineup, deliver to the Clerk of the Course. When race is restarted put out Purple flag and then Green flag after they have all gone past.

-If Rerun, rename the Red Flagged race e.g Heat 2a then create a new run with all the details of the previous heat and drop the competitors in it. You will have to change the Heats in your merge as well.